As I mentioned on the education page, educational programs take money – a lot of it. For example, the Seventh Annual Update on Heart and Lung Surgery total cost
The costs include speakers’ honorariums, travel expenses, brochures, teaching guides and handouts, mailings, catering, and so on. The fact is that each year it becomes more and more difficult to obtain governmental, hospital, and corporate support for educational programs.
Currently, my largest source of funding has come from private individuals. All donations toward educational events are tax-deductible.

Mr. Michael Tucker, a successful businessman and a former patient of mine, receiving a plaque for his generous $20,000.00 donation to the Seventh Annual Update on Heart and Lung Surgery.
If you would like to contribute to our educational efforts, please contact me. I will then discuss with you in person our plans for potential future educational programs and provide you with the necessary tax information.
Thank you in advance to any person or group who supports the education of our healthcare community!